7 ways to market your pressure washing business
How to market your pressure washing business in 7 easy steps. You’ll need a website, social media accounts, good signage, and more. Use this list to help you get started.
1. Business cards and flyers:
A lot of people might need your services, but they don’t always know when or where they’ll need them. Hand out your business card and flyer in all areas where you can: gas stations, convenience stores, tire shops, etc. Place a sign with your phone number next to the cash register at these establishments as well; encourage customers who need pressure washing to call you for an estimate. You could even offer coupons on these items that would allow entry into a contest for a free service call with every purchase of $50 or more through the establishment’s register system.
2 . Google+ and Yelp accounts:
As soon as you’ve got a cell phone with a decent camera, take high-quality photos of your work and upload them to the accounts. Fill out every single bit of information for these sites; they’re powerful search engines, so make sure that people can find you through them.
3 . A website:
Even if this is just a blog (easily set up via WordPress or other free blogging platforms), keep it current with any services that you offer, testimonials from happy customers, etc. When someone does an online search for “pressure washing” in their area, you want your site to come up on the first page (if not within the first two or three results).
4 . Press releases:
There are a lot of listings online for press releases, so go ahead and submit one announcing the launch of your new business. This way, when people are searching through list sites, you’ll have a better chance of catching their attention. Be sure to include any awards that you’ve won in past jobs or anything relevant to your industry.
5 . Pressure washing businesses on social media:
There are several pressure washing groups on Facebook that have thousands of members; join them all by putting your city or state into the search bar at the top right-hand corner (keep in mind that many smaller cities do not appear). You should also make it a point to like every pressure washing business page within 10 miles of where you live; this will put you in front of people who are looking for your services.
6 . Pressure washing forums:
You can join any pressure washing-related forums (you know, Example: bigrocksbloggersnetwork.com/pressure-washing-forum) and instantly become visible to thousands of business owners giving you instant exposure to the people who need your services. Offering helpful advice will also get you noticed; if someone asks about rust removal or what kind of chemicals work best on algae, be sure to share any insights that you may have.

7. Create good signage:
Your logo helps set you apart from other companies, so invest in a good design. If you can get your image on T-shirts, hats, pens, mugs, and other items, do so; it’s easy to carry around these visible advertisements everywhere you go. You might even consider putting business banners on the side of your vehicle or having magnets printed up for your car doors if they don’t already have one.

©Five Star Pressure Washing
933 11th Ave S Jacksonville Beach FL 32250